Sunday, June 3, 2012

FNL 30-Day Challenge

I needed a new 30-day challenge to do. So here's one for Friday Night Lights.

Day 1: Top 5 favorite characters
1. Matt Saracen
2. Coach Taylor
3. Landry Clarke and Tim Riggins (sorry, I cannot choose one)
4. Luke Cafferty
5. Tami Taylor
(I can't help but notice that when I read other people's lists, Julie Taylor is not on any of them. I also can't help but think it's not because she's a bad character in general, but because she's a bad character when Matt Saracen is not around. Which just tells you how great Matt Saracen is.)
Day 2: Favorite male character
Matt Saracen. I know, shocking, right?
Day 3: Favorite female character
Obviously Tami Taylor even though she annoys the crap out of me sometimes. Other than her, I'd say probably Jess Merriweather.
Day 4: Least favorite male character
Pick a McCoy, any McCoy.
Day 5: Least favorite female character
Season Two Julie Taylor. AKA Devilspawn.
Day 6: Favorite episode
How about top 4, in chronological order? "It Ain't Easy Being J.D. McCoy," "The Son," "Stay" and "Always."

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