Thursday, November 10, 2011

Girlfran, you needa be sent away.

I need... I can't... I just... Why?

I am going to write this in letter form, because that is how it is easiest to vent my feelings when I am extremely angry with someone.

Dear She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named,
Congratulations. You've done it again. Gone all trigger-happy with that swelling sense of power in your chest and just lost your freaking mind. Why do you do this to us? Why do you do this, when you know you're going to lose viewers for exactly this reason?
Why do you make me love your characters and then rip them away from me? Why do the characters I can't stand get to be selfish and leave without so much as a guilty conscience, and the ones I absolutely adore just, you know, throw themselves in front of buses and die for their heroic efforts, or be completely the opposite of every despicable character you create and then die on the operating table, or be the only reason I even started watching the show and then get killed unexpectedly after a stupid car accident? Why? People thought it was bad when you killed Denny, but this is getting out of control. It wasn't that difficult to get over Denny.

I was starting to like Grey's Anatomy again. Last season, I was thinking it had gotten its groove back. Don't get me wrong, I never did and never will forgive you for what you did to George O'Malley, but I had myself convinced that that was the one and only time you completely lost all of your marbles. I figured occasionally you just lose a few of them, just to keep things interesting, but they came back. But now, I'm thinking you just never really got them back. Replaced them with cotton balls or something. That's what I'm thinking.

Here's something you probably aren't expecting: I honestly, completely do not care about what happens to the main characters. I know they are safe. Get a kid, don't get a kid, yawn. Lexie and Sloane get back together, don't get back together, I have an opinion but it matters to you just about as much as Lexie's opinion mattered to that author lady last week. I know Meredith and Alex aren't going to blow up in an ambulance, because Meredith is the main character and Alex is a jerk, and on your shows, jerks don't die [and honestly, if you killed another one of the original five, you might get death threats yourself]. I think you know that the percentage of people who love Lexie and the percentage of people who can't stand her are approximately equal, so obviously you can't kill her. I knew you wouldn't kill Callie last year because, well, then what would be the point of the musical (lost a few cotton balls on that one too, didn't ya?)? And so on. In short, the only characters I care about are the ones who everyone likes, and who are not Meredith, Cristina or Derek. Because those are the ones who are constantly in danger of being killed.

I just don't understand your logic here, woman. Go ahead and defend yourself, say it's for the story or the characters or whatever, but you're wrong. The story and the characters would be just fine without you going and doing things like this. You think I wouldn't still be watching Grey's Anatomy if George O'Malley were still alive? You think killing Dell made me want to keep watching Private Practice? News flash: George could still be a hero if he hadn't died. T.R. Knight could have left the show without his character dying (hello, George was on his way into THE FREAKING ARMY). And I do not watch Private Practice anymore. That show is nothing but your lost cotton balls.

Your power trips are getting old, and if you continue this genocide on the very specific type of characters I have mentioned, I'm done. Heck, I might be done anyway. Grey's doesn't come back for a while, so I have time to decide if I'm even going to watch it anymore. I do have a suggestion for you though: I think you and Ann Brashares (and heck, let's throw Brenda Hampton in there too just because she's annoying) should take vacation from writing and only come back when you have learned that these stories and characters are NOT YOURS. They're ours. You may have created them, but they don't belong to you.

Ever so sincerely,

1 comment:

  1. AMEN.

    i should say, however, that private practice has been much better this season. i expect that to end soon, so you might want to avoid watching, as i'm sure you were planning anyway.
